
NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet


The identification of suitable mechanisms to fund transportation and urban redevelopment is a key challenge for the Government. The traditional method of seeking grant allocations from State Government’s consolidated revenue as the only funding stream for transportation infrastructure its insufficient for the Government to address the backlog of necessary transport improvements.

Part of the solution to this problem may be the ability for government to “share” in the additional economic value created through transport investment. The Urban Regeneration and Transportation Infrastructure Investment Value Sharing “Virtuous Cycle” highlights how value is created and shared.

Role of Tenderer

LUTI Consulting explore the benefits of integrating transport projects with land use plans and outline infrastructure funding mechanisms through which urban development can assist the business case for investment in urban renewal and transportation infrastructure in a context.

LUTI Consulting have analysed a comprehensive suite of “value sharing” mechanisms applying an internationally recognised set of criteria to identify potential mechanisms that allow for the sharing of induced increases in land values and optimising the development opportunities created through transport infrastructure investment in an Australian Context.

Team Members

Dr James McIntosh – Lead Author and Value Creation and Sharing Lead
Dr Roman Trubka – Economics and Spatial Analysis Lead



Figure 1-v6-01

Source: LUTI Consulting and Mecone Planning
(click to enlarge)